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SAFB: Societe Anglo Franco Belge built the first European GM exports. Deliveries included Belgium (most), Luxembourg and 3 for Israel.
RdSw (NW5m)
Israel State Railways: 101-103
Luxembourg Railway (CFL):
SW8m: 801-806
AA16C 1601-1604
Belgian National (SNCB/NMBS):
SAFB 101‚103 7.1952 Israel Railways # 101‚103
SAFB 104‚113 Belgian Congo (BCK 2, KDL 7, unknown 1)
SAFB 114‚119 4.1954‚7.1954 CF Luxembourg # 801‚806
SAFB *120‚137 7.1955‚9.1955 SNCB # 203.001‚018
SAFB 138‚150 3.1955‚6.1955 SNCB # 202.001‚013
SAFB 151 9.1955 SNCB # 203.019
SAFB *152‚155 1.1955‚4.1955 SNCB # 202.015‚018, 1957 re # SNCB
*plates 132 and 152 transposed
SAFB 156‚158 4.1955 ordered as SNCB # 202.020‚022, diverted to CF
Luxembourg # 1602‚1604
SAFB 159 3.1955 ordered as SNCB # 202.019, diverted to CF Luxembourg # 1601
SAFB 160‚163 1.1957‚2.1957 SNCB # 204.001‚004
202.001-013 re # 5201-5213 in 1971
- 5203 re # 5302 (2nd) in 1989
- 5206 re # 5307 (2nd) in 1989
- 5207 re # 5317 (2nd) in 1989
- 5208 re # 5318 (2nd) in 1989
- 5209 re # 5321 in 1992, re # 5209 in 1993
- 5210 re # 5320 in 1989
202.014 was blank (delivered as 203.019)
202.015-018 re # 204.005-008 in 1957, then re # 5405-5408 in 1971
202.019‚202.022 diverted to CFL as 1601‚1604
note: 202.011 was temporarily numbered 204.009 for 'Expo 58'
203.001-018 re # 5310-5318 in 1971
- 5302 re # 5215 in 1983
- 5307 re # 5214 in 1983
- 5317 re # 5216 in 1984
- 5318 re # 5217 in 1984
- 203.019 re # 5319 in 1971
204.001-004 re # 5401-5404 in 1971
204.005-008 were former 202.015-018 (in 1957)
204.009 was temporary # for 202.011 during 'Expo 58'